Regulated by the New York City Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC), NYC landmarks are structures that have special historical, cultural, or aesthetic value to the city, state, or nation. Any alteration, reconstruction, demolition, or new construction affecting the designated building must be approved by LPC in advance.
NYC Historic DistrictsIn addition to individual landmarks, LPC also designates certain areas of the city as historic districts. Any building located within a historic district is considered an individual landmark, and is subject to the same requirements.
National Register of Historic PlacesAt the federal level, the National Park Service (NPS) regulates the National Register of Historic Places, defined as “districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture.” The NPS does not place any additional requirements or restrictions on historic property owners, and permits them to do whatever they want with their property, as long as there are no federal monies attached. However, most historic places will also overlap as designated NYC landmarks, and will still be subject to New York City’s landmark requirements, described above.
Inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places also offers several benefits such as tax incentives for restoration work and historic preservation grants.