Lofty and Revaluate are integrated, delivering seamless and efficient, automated, Lead Gen and enhanced AI data.

Proper Real Estate Lead Generation begins with high quality, complete contact records. The Complimentarty Database Grade & Audit reveals opportunities for improvement, deduplicates and isolates suspicious contacts, enhancing your database and improving the effectiveness of your marketing.

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Dirty Databases Waste Marketing Money.
Clean Databases Convert Better Lead Gen.

Detox Your Data To Improve Marketing ROI

Your Marketing may be perfect, but if your database has bad or missing contact info, it doesn’t matter. A clean, quality database reduces marketing waste.

“Revaluate is so far ahead in its thinking and knows how to provide the data that is critical for me to build my real estate business the way it needs to be built.”
- Barry Jenkins

Your Database ReportCard

  • Data Quality Check
  • Record Completeness Review
  • Suspicious Contact Check
  • Map Your Database
  • Find More Oportunties
  • Measure Sell Side Commission
  • Identify The Competition

Sync Your Lofty and Revaluate

Use one of the links below to learn how to sync your Lofty account with Revaluate.

To Start, Schedule a Complimentary Data Audit

Create your free Report Card account here.

Complete the form below to create your free account where you can import contacts, audit and grade your database, and improve your marketing.

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An Innovation Leader

Inman Innovator Award Finalist

Swanepoel Top 20 Trendsetter

Ranked #3 Real Estate Software 2019