General FAQs | Uploading Contacts FAQs | Best Practices FAQs

General FAQs

How much does Revaluate cost?

Each Revaluate customer has a plan customized to the number of contacts in their database. Our clients report annual ROI numbers as high as 25X and more. You can set up a quick no obligation pricing meeting by clicking here.

What is Revaluate?

Revaluate has the only 3rd party validated AI to identify real estate and mortgage leads. Revaluate has been twice rated a top AI software and an Inman Innovator Award Finalist along with being a Swanepoel Top 20 Trendsetter.

The Revalute artificial intelligence that tells you who in your database is most likely to move in the next 6 months. Revaluate looks for life event triggers such as Death, Divorce, Diapers, Diamonds, Diplomas, Dumpsters, Downsizing and the Daily Grind. Revaluate’s clients use this data to improve marketing efficiencies, target potential movers and substantially increase ROI from old dead leads.

What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Wikipedia

How does Revaluate work?

Revaluate builds profiles for all your leads, prospects and former clients, we measure and score each prospect nightly looking for data that indicates they may be more or less likely to move.

When the score raises above 80 - we notify you that the prospect is Very Likely to Move. We tell you via text message, email, our dashboard or in your CRM (via api integration)

Is Revaluate compliant with all data and privacy laws?

Yes. Here’s our official privacy statement.

Does Revaluate work outside the United States?

While our service can be accessed around the world, our algorithms are only functional for contacts who live in the United States.

What information do you need from my database?

The only thing our algorithm requires to function is an email address! You are welcome to include first and last name as well as physical address as this may slightly improve accuracy.

How accurate is Revaluate?

We believe Revaluate to be the most accurate AI in predicting propensity to move. Here’s the results of the official White Paper.

Does Revaluate integrate with my current CRM?

Yes. Revaluate has a fantastic API that can be configured to fit any CRM’s with API’s. The integrated partner details can be found at https://revaluate.com/integrations Some of the popular CRM’s include FollowupBoss, Salesforce, Firepoint, Wise Agent, MoxiWorks, as well as Google Contacts and Outlook 365.

Are there any contracts or commitments?

As a client of Revaluate, you are subject to agree with our Terms of Use on creation of your account. For individuals under 10,000 contacts, there are, no contracts to be signed or commitment to your service!

Enterprise agreements and clients with greater than 10,000 contacts do sign contracts.

Contact Uploading FAQs

How do I setup the integration between my CRM and Revaluate?

You can find all the information needed by visiting either our Integration page or the Integration page for your current CRM.

What file types are required for direct upload?


Is there a size restrictment?

Here, size doesn’t matter. However, if you have fewer than 1k contacts, you may not get killer value. 2k contacts or more is highly recommended for individuals. Got a team or office? Think 1500 per sales person as a goal.

Can you help me grow my list?

Yes. Ask us for the list size solution via the chat tool.

Is there a template for the list?

Yes. You can download a template when logged into your account. Click “Upload Contacts” then look for the Blue box: Click “Download Template”

Can I upload more information besides email addresses?

Absolutely! While our algorithm only requires an email address to operate, additional information can be uploaded as well as long as it is properly labeled. Make sure to use the Revaluate upload template which can be found on the “Import Contacts” page!

How will I know when the upload has completed?

Your upload can take up to two hours to complete. If you have multiple databases to upload, you will receive an email when the upload is complete and you may upload another. Simultaneous database upload is not supported.

My upload keeps failing...what is going wrong??

That is super frustrating, sorry for that. The solution is usually a pretty simple fix.

Double check that the file is in the correct format and make sure you are using the Revaluate upload template provided to you on the “Import Contacts” page. If you are still having trouble, you can reach out to your Account Manager who will be happy to assist you in the upload. We help folks with this frequently - it’s cool.

When will Revaluate scores begin to show?

Once your database has finalized its initial 48 hour detox, you can expect scores to begin showing immediately, however, we prefer you allow up to 72 hours as scores will fluctuate as the initial data segments are implemented.

Best Practices FAQ

What are Top of the Funnel (TOFU) leads?

Top of the Funnel (TOFU) leads are the long term relationships that ensure your sales pipeline is self-sustaining and properly cared for at all times. Rather than chasing the competition to the “hottest” leads from huge portals that farm the same lead to 12 other people, we provide you with the insight to ensure you are the first name these people think of when they hear Real Estate and Mortgage. Early bird gets the worm.

Should I just start calling each person that Revaluate deems to be a very likely mover?

Every market is different, and every industry professional has their own “tried and true” methods. With that in mind, treat them like you have inside knowledge that they may be moving - get your brand in front of them, reach out to grab coffee with them and be a counselor. Do what historically works for you.

What kind of tips would you give to a new agent when using these leads?

Our clients love to share their success stories! From these stories, we have gathered what we consider to be the top five best practices. You can find those tips as well as more insights by visiting the following link.